Monday, February 20, 2012

Hooking up to Crochet - February 2012

Working on a Barefoot Sandal
I just realized with some embarrassment that my last post regarding our Hooking up to Crochet (January 2012) gathering was still sitting in the "draft" folder unpublished! It has a great list of online resources for yarns and patterns, so do check it out! Better late than never, right?

Here are the highlights of February's Hooking up to Crochet ...
We met Monday, February 13th at Mochaberry 11:00 am.
Stash-busting with Granny Squares!
In attendance for this month's gathering were: Beckie M, Sarah L, Sarah S, Elizabeth G (me), and Sheila, who joined us by chance. Sheila knits and crochets, and often enjoys stitching away at the coffee shop (or wherever she is). In fact, we've spoken casually several times but today our crafting brought us together further... a chance to exchange names and welcome her to the group. That is what it is all about, right!

Sarah and Sheila
Sarah S - knotting a shopping bag.
As a group, we bounced around several topics over our coffee including the 'street art' known as "yarn bombing" or "guerrilla crochet." It is essentially a public act of covering a natural or man made item in crochet or knitting - here are some photos for reference). Of course I can neither confirm nor deny whether we actually hatched our own plan for a local bombing.

PUBlic Crochet - the evening chapter! 
Winchester Arms, Orangeville, 7 pm Wednesday February 15th
This was the first attempt at an evening gathering of Hooking up to Crochet. As it turned out, the date and time fell off the radar for some, and others had last minute duties that prevented them coming. I spent about an hour in the local pub feeling a bit like I'd been stood up... until Virginia arrived! Virginia is actually a knitter, but I wasn't about to be picky about my company considering hanging out at the local watering-hole by myself is not exactly my usual Wednesday night activity! We chatted away while Virginia worked on a long-term project -- a tunic that she's hoping will be done in time to wear this season! Tiny yarn, tiny needles... I was certainly impressed! I have a bit of a commitment issue with my projects. I tend to favour those projects that can be tucked in a purse, and completed in a few sittings. I sometimes venture into those that could last a week or even a month or two (afghans and the like) but that is much more rare! Joining us about a half hour later was Kat A. She was sporting a new "baby bump" so with all of us being moms, the conversation turned to plans for baby and our 'war stories' about birthin'... and we won't get into the details in this forum! Despite a slow and low-key start, I believe the PUB-lic Crochet nights will also become popular over time. Again we'll aim for a monthly gathering and see where it takes us!

Bottle Tags: available on ETSY
Upcoming Events:
(Just a few shifts in "regular" days and times to avoid "March Break" and to adjust for some less busy times at our coffee shop... let me know how these work for you! Please RSVP by adding yourself to the group on Facebook. Just follow the links below!
Hooking up to Crochet (PUBlic Crochet) - MON MARCH 5th 8pm at Winchester Arms 171 Broadway, Orangeville
Hooking up to Crochet (Coffee Club) - WED MARCH 7th 9-11am, at Mochaberry 177b Broadway, Orangeville

We'll talk soon!

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