Worldwide Knit in Public day coming to Orangeville!
Wish I could remember what they were laughing about!
There is never a shortage of laughs! |
Tuesday June 17, 2014 is
Worldwide Knit in Public day, and I couldn't be more excited that there is an
event being held in Orangeville! I'm looking forward to getting together with some of my own public yarn addicts to enjoy the festivities outside the Orangeville Public Library.
Here is the story of my own little group, PUBlic Crochet Orangeville
Knitting (okay, crocheting) in public is something that has become near and dear to my heart.While displaying and selling my
BusyLizzy Boutique crochet items at local venues, I often heard people comment that they wish they had learned to crochet, or that they tried it once but just couldn't get the hang of it. I wanted to bring crocheting out of the livingrooms and firesides of our town, and into public places were it can be noticed and enjoyed again! I started an afternoon group each month called Hooking up To Crochet at a local coffee shop. That was back in 2011! Then a few yarn addicts who worked during the day or had small children in the afternoons asked for an evening group. Thus, PUBlic Crochet Orangeville was born! We meet monthly in a local pub and crochet for a few hours while solving the problems of the world over a libation and a few snacks! Here are some random snaps of our group meetings over the years. Come join our
PUBlic Crochet Orangeville group on Facebook to follow the dates and progress of the group!
Shiela's finished Afghan - Great masculine colour choices! |
Eva is concentrating on her pattern, but once she gets going, look out! |
We currently meet for our afternoon group on the 2nd Monday of each month at 11:00 am at
Mochaberry coffee shop in Orangeville.
Knitters are allowed at the PUBlic Crochet meetings too! No discrimination when it comes to the yarn arts! |
Petra works with crochet symbols when she follows patterns. That way she can follow patterns in many languages! |
First few stitches EVER! Way to go, Janice! |
The evening PUBlic crochet has been taking place at the
Mad Hatter/Ruby Pier lately, and we meet on the 4th Tuesday of the Month (new in June 2014) at 8pm. We have also enjoyed meetings at
The Winchester Arms and
Mill Creek Pub!
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Having fun at the Winchester Arms with a crochet hook! |
These squares, donated by our members, were made into Lap Afghans for the Seniors for Santa program in Orangeville. |
Great times at Mochaberry! |