Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hats off to a new Crochet Club member!

This is one of the WIP (works in progress) that was brought to our last PUBlic Crochet meeting. Crystal is a new member who came out for the first time to the June meeting. Crystal is a teacher at a local high school and when the head of the ski team found out she could crochet, a small (?) favour was asked of her: "Do you think you could make hats for the ski team?"

Well, it seems that Crystal is not one to back down from a challenge, and having never made a hat before, she came up with this great design using school colours. At last count she had 11 of them finished. I believe she said there were 42 on the team??? Keep that hook flying Crystal -- good thing you have the summer to work on it now that school is out!

Our next crochet meetings in Orangeville are:
Hooking up to Crochet: Wednesday July 11, 11am
PUBlic Crochet: Monday July 16, 8pm

Please click links above for places and details. Show up with your WIP or please feel free to contact BusyLizzy to RSVP if you'd like to join us!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A blogging slog!

I have been seriously lacking in the blog-posting department. I think all new bloggers go through it... the syndrome of "what do I have to say that could be of interest?" My fear of a lack of content often stops me from posting. Sometimes there isn't much (of interest) going on, despite my moniker that would suggest otherwise! "Busy Lizzy isn't always busy is she?"... to paraphrase the "Fuzzy Wuzzy" nursery rhyme!

Ironically, there is actually a lot going on in BusyLizzy's world right now (especially related to crocheting and crafting) and now that I have "content" for the blog, it seems I'm to distracted to actually post! 

New leaf... going to post weekly. Maybe even daily! Watch out!  I'm hoping to discover that there are actually a few people reading it too, eventually!

There is a fabulous blog that I follow quite religiously (I subscribe to get the email notification when it is posted). This blogger took on a 365 day challenge (Blog-a-day!). A photographer and a writer, JD is captivating me with her photographic images from quaint and quirky to magnificent and majestic, and keeping me hooked with compelling narrative and sometimes the image speaks for itself. Please check out "Writing the Girl"  to see what I mean! You'll LOVE it. not a lot of investment in time to read this one as J's posts tend to be brief and visual, but I seriously look forward to them every day. Now that I've been inspired...

I'll catch you VERY soon! And here's a bit of a shout out to my recent doings: This T-skirt was just purchased from my ETSY shop... my first sale to AUSTRIA!!!! So excited!
